Local Car Hobby events for Tidewater Virginia and the Mid-Atlantic Region; including Clubs, Cruise-Ins, Meets, Shows, Driver's Ed, Auto-Cross/Solo, Clubs, etc.
UPCOMING SHOWS ETC. Sat Sep 26 - “Cars for a Cause”, Great Bridge Presbyterian Church, 8:00 am - 2:00 pm, 333 Cedar Road, Chesapeake. Laps for Lapse Alzheimer’s team car show fundraiser to benefit the 2015 Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Virginia Beach. Open to all years, makes, models and motorcycles. $25.00 day of event. 1st and 2nd Judge’s and People’s Choice awards announced at 1 pm. Weather permitting - no rain date. Food, fun and face-painting for the kiddies. Free admission to the public. Contact Amy Fitchett at 757-548-4192 to register or email amyfitchett@hotmail.com for more information. All proceeds directly donated to the Alzheimer’s Association. So shine ‘em, show 'em and help us make a difference! See ya there - 42nd Annual Tidewater Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America (TRAACA) Meet: “Wings & Wheels” Car Show, Military Aviation Museum, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, Virginia Beach. There will be two great car shows in one, featuring hundreds of beautiful cars, trucks, and motorcycles: “Preserving the Past” for antique and special interest vehicles 1990 and older in or restored to originally built condition (these will have AACA-type points judging) and “Mods & Rods” for modified and custom vehicles 1990 and older (these will be participant judged). Admission to the car show is free for spectators, but airport parking is $15 per vehicle (so pack in your kids and friends!) and includes free access to the Military Aviation Museum, the world’s largest collection of restored and flyable World War I and II military aircraft. Special parking is available for spectator car club gatherings in the museum’s parking area. For registration forms and more information, go to the TRAACA website: www.aaca.org/tidewater. For more information or if you have questions, contact Meet Chairman Tony Scarpelli at scarpp02@aol.com or (757) 810-1600 or TRAACA President Jim Villers at 190sljim@cox.net or (757) 481-6398. - Mid-Atlantic Ford Round-Up, Wynne Ford, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, 1020 West Mercury Blvd., Hampton. All Ford & Ford Powered Car and Truck Show. All proceeds benefit StandUp For Kids Hampton Roads. $25 entry fee day of show. 1st, 2nd & 3rd place awards in 22 classes. JLT Performance on site, DJ, food vendor, Human Truck Pull, door prizes, silent auction items. Contact Bobby Sharon, Bobcat16@cox.net | 757-404-1406 - Guinea Jubilee Festival Car Show, presented by The Middle Peninsula Classic Cruisers Car Club of Gloucester, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, with registration ending at noon, 8784 Guinea Rd., Hayes. The Guinea Jubilee is a two day event that annually attracts thousands of people to celebrate and honor the way of life in the Guinea Neck. The Jubilee features cultural activities, arts and crafts, exhibits, a parade, delicious seafood. Trophies are awarded for the top five in GM, Ford, Mopar, Imports, Motorcycles and trucks. Also awarded are trophies for the next 25 vehicles, as well as other special awards. Winners are selected by participant voting. Early registration is $15 and $20 the day of the show. For further information, contact MPCC on our email address or web page. We look forward to seeing you there!!! Web Site: mpccofgloucester.com | email: middlepeninsulaclassiccruisers@cox.net - Aviation Institute of Maintenance Car Show, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, 2211 S. Military Hwy., Chesapeake. $10 Vehicle Registration, $25 Vendor’s table, Free to the public. Campus tours, and activities for all ages: DJ, Raffles, Food, Games, Vendors. Proceeds for Military Veteran Center. For more info (757) 363-2121
Sat Oct 3 - Franklin Fall Festival Car Show, presented by Mustang Club of Tidewater, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Main Street near railroad tracks, Downtown Franklin. Open to all makes of cars, trucks, motorcycles, any wheeled vehicle. Vendor spaces available. Proceeds benefit: Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters, Oasis Food Bank of Portsmouth. Judges classes, plus Best In Show, Club Participation, Best Display. Registration Fee: $20 plus 2 cans of food. Contact: Doug Sample, 757-880-1660. Web Site: www.mustangcluboftidewater.com | Email: hottrod6@aol.com, mct@mustangcluboftidewater.com - Salute to Our Heroes Ford and Ford Powered Show, Newport News Fuddruckers, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, near Patrick Henry mall, 12361 Hornsby Ln., Newport News. This is the first annual show for the L.Cpl. Cody Childers memorial foundation (we care marines). We are raising money in order to send care packages to marines serving overseas in memory of L.Cpl. Cody Childers who lost his life serving his country in 2010 he was 19 years old. There will be a silent auction with many great prizes and a raffle give away. Also if you bring a flier for the show and have a meal at Fuddruckers they will donate 15% of your total to the organization. Please come out and support this great cause! If you have any further questions you can contact me at 757-816-7420 or my email darkstar375@yahoo.com | Web Site: www.facebook.com/events/1615182805425709/ - Continental Automotive 2nd Annual Charity Car & Motorcycle Show, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm, 615 Bland Blvd., Newport News. Free to the public. Free parking on-site. All proceeds benefit the Virginia Peninsula Food Bank. Trophies for winners of each category! Raffles for a set of Continental Tires and other Conti prizes! Advanced entry fee $15. ($20 day of show) Vendors must pre-register. Contact: Justin Shank (757-875-7339) Justin.Shank@continental-corporation.com Find us on Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/conti.car.show - Portsmouth Tuner Fest with 757 Auto Events, nTelos Wireless Pavilion, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm, 16 Crawford Cir, Portsmouth. Open event in an amazing location. Spend the day with 757 Auto Events and Grindin’ Gear at the nTelos Wireless Pavilion for an unforgettable car show. 65 Awards will be given out, including the Top 30 and 30 special awards. Portion of the proceeds will benefit the American Heart Association “Heart Walk” through our Team “757iLLEST car club.” This event is open to all makes and models of transportation. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, and pedal bikes. We will have facility provided concessions, DJ’s, and beer will be sold for consumption in the Preferred Parking Show area (no personal alcohol will be allowed at his event.) Event T shirts will be included with our Preregistered entrants along with parking in the Preferred Show lot on the water (for first 100 paid entrants!) Preregistration info will be posted. There will be 100 Preferred parking spots in the Pavilion courtyard and 150+ general showing spots in the parking lot. Spectator parking is free in the Portsmouth City parking garage. (757) 393-8181, info@pavilionconcerts.com | https://www.facebook.com/events/116696795341426/
Fri Oct 9 - Night Moves October Meet & 2015 Finale Sponsored by DIA Automotive, The Virginia Beach Sportsplex and Regional Training Center, 6 - 10:00 pm, 2044 Landstown Centre Way, Virginia Beach. With our first five meets drawing over 600 cars a piece from all over VA and parts of NC/MD, you will not want to miss our last one this summer!! We will have food and drinks for sale on site courtesy of The Virginia Beach Sportsplex, great music courtesy of Muzik Lounge and Dj El Capone, and official photography coverage by Chops Creative, and Hobbytown USA’s 1/10th scale RC Drift Track. PLEASE NO: revving, burnouts, speeding, alcohol, excessive bass or music volume, or any other forms of general jackassery. If you have ANY issue with these points, VBPD will be on hand to clarify any questions or concerns you may have. AS ALWAYS, $2 entry to help us keep these things running. See everyone there!
Sat Oct 10 - Second Annual 2015 ECW AutoFest, Lafayette High School, 9:30 am - 2:30 pm, 4460 Longhill Road, Williamsburg. This year we are presenting you with SECOND Annual 2015 ECW AutoFest! We hope to feature everyone’s favorite European Cars in town. Bring your car out and enjoy the day! Our fundraiser is to benefit the EEE Resource Center, INC. and Beyond Boobs. Specialized awards this year, more raffle prizes, vendors, and fun for the whole family! Contact Helen at 757-220-9660 for donations, or if you’d like to be a vendor… ALL VENDORS WELCOME. Check website for registration information. Web Site: www.ecwautofest.eventbee.com | Flyer Link: www.www.facebook.com/events/955965904426878/ | Email: helen@ecwsales.com - 9th Annual Oktober Festival Pig Roast & Car Show, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 11:00 am to 5:00 pm, (near CNU, off Warwick Blvd. behind Food Lion), 372 Hiden Blvd., Newport News. YOU & your BODASHUS wheels are invited as our “special Guest”! First 20 classic cars get a “FREE” ticket for food and all Festival activities * Barbeque & Hotdogs * Beer & Sodas * Live Band * Games & Prizes for the kids * AND lots of FOOD & FUN for the whole family. Call or text Phil Bowditch 757-880-1970 (pbowditch@aol.com)to reserve your “FREE” ticket to event. COME JOIN US! You’ll HAVE A SUPER TIME! - 14th Annual Ztoberfest Car Show 2015, Richmond International Raceway, 600 E Laburnum Ave, Richmond. Join the Z Car association of Richmond in celebrating all that’s Nissan and Datsun. This year we will be having the car show on pit lane at Richmond International Raceway in conjunction with a huge charity event being put on by Chick-fil-a. Please keep an eye out for information about the event on our Facebook page and or www.richmondzcar.com
Sat/Sun Oct 10/11 - Camp Out Car Show, by 757 Auto Events & Dirt Bag Customs, Holiday Trav-L-Park, 1075 General Booth Blvd, Virginia Beach. Join us at the Holiday Trav-L-Park for our two-day Camping event. We will be at the campground on Saturday taking part in their Halloween celebration activities. They will have many family friendly activities including a gameroom, convenience store, mini golf, and several Halloween themed activities. They will also have camp site trick or treating from 4 til 6 pm, hayrides, and a Halloween Hoedown with a costume contest and a live DJ. You can choose to stay the night at the campground to party down with us and prepare for Sunday’s car show, or you can show up on Sunday for the car show. https://www.facebook.com/events/738817026239641/
Sat Oct 17 - 2nd Annual Medi Home Health & Hospice Stars & Cars Benefit Car Show, Chesapeake City Park, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, Section C and D, 900 Greenbrier Road, Chesapeake. This fundraising event will benefit 2 VSOs: Honor Flight and the Horton Wreath Society and the Medi Charity Fund. For more information, please contact Anastasia Economou at 757-373-9778 or via email at aeconomou@msa-corp.com. | https://medibenefitcarshow.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/mhbcs-flyer-and-reg-form.pdf - Southeastern Virginia Mustang Club’s (SEVMC) 8th Annual Fordtoberfest, Beach Ford, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, 2717 Virginia Beach Blvd., Virginia Beach. All Ford & Ford Powered Show. This year’s show is dedicated to “Honor & Remember”. Pre-register at www.sevmc.org $20, $25 after Oct 12. Trophies, Awards, Silent Auction. there will be plenty of fun things to do! Food, Games Trophies, Raffles, and much more! Please come by and Support our Show and to this year’s dedication to our Troops who we “Honor and Remember” If you have any questions please feel free to Email our Chairmen of the show, at fordtoberfest@sevmc.org. Thank you and we hope to see you there, Support our troops! - 6th Annual Air & Auto Classic, presented by First Settlers region Porsche Club of America, Military Aviation Museum, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm, 1341 Princess Anne Road, Virginia Beach. All makes and models are welcome! Non-judged car corral is $15.00 per vehicle. Show car registration is $25.00 per vehicle. Rock Star parking is $50.00 per vehicle (online registration only). Proceeds benefit the SPCA and the Foodbank of Virginia. The rain date is Halloween, 31 October, 2015. Spectator parking is $15.00 per vehicle and includes: Free access to the MAM, A unique opportunity to review a large display of fine foreign and domestic motorcars, including rallye, racing, rods and restorations.
Fri-Sun Oct 23-25 - 13th Annual Virginia Fall Classic. The Virginia Fall Classic is an exciting 3-day event, to be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 23, 24 and 25. Pre-register by October 1st and receive special benefits: 13th Annual Virginia Fall Classic Dash Plaque, Preferred Parking ~ Drive Right In, and Personal Notification of Schedule Changes! Fri - Cruise-in, Trunk-or-Treat, and a delicious dinner provided by the Newport News Outback Steakhouse. Sat - Tidewater Virginia’s premier Car-Truck-Bike Show in beautiful Newport News Park. Sun - A tour of Tidewater Virginia’s picturesque fall scenery. All proceeds go to support the Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters. Help us help the children and their families. Open to all Makes, Models and Years of Cars, Trucks and Bikes. Don’t miss out! Register now! Pre-registration closes October 1st. Email: vafallclassic.org@gmail.com Web Site: www.vafallclassic.org Flyer Link: www.vafallclassic.org/forms/VFC_2015_Registration.pdf
Sun Oct 25 - VW Club of Tidewater’s ALL VW Show & Shine plus Open House, The Bug House, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, 5024 Southern Blvd., Virginia Beach. Sponsored by Checkered Flag & The Bug House to benefit Toys For Tots. No pre-registration, $20 0r $15 and a NEW TOY for Toys For Tots. Dash Magnets & 50/50 Drawing. Drive it, Push it, Tow it - as long as it is a VW please bring it to the Show. All VW Enthusiasts welcome to help out a GREAT Charity! Not a VW owner? Please do not let that stop you! Let’s work together and help children have a nice Christmas during these tough economic times. Please help out Toys For Tots by bringing any NEW Toy or CASH Donation! Don’t miss your opportunity to help raise money and vote for your favorite 5 Volkswagens! More Info: Ty Ryan 757-761-3568 / luv_things@verizon.net or Michelle Crawford 757-404-3846 / flatbug1@cox.net WEEKLY/MONTHLY MEETS/CRUISE-INS Sat - Cars & Coffee: Are you normally busy on Saturdays with a list of honey-do’s or family commitments? Well that’s perfectly fine because you can be back home before your spouse is even up. Enjoy your car hobby and still enjoy the rest of your day. Originally started in Irvine, CA at a strip mall on the PCH, the Cars & Coffee idea has steadily spread to various areas across the country. Here in Tidewater Virginia, we have the great Mid-Atlantic coastal region, we have plenty of sports cars in the area, and we have plenty of coffee shops so it seemed a logical fit. This is an informal hangout for mature car enthusiasts who enjoy an early morning drive and a cup of coffee. 1st Sat - (Oct 3) Virginia Beach Cars & Coffee is a gathering of car enthusiasts the first Saturday each month from 7:00 - 9:00 am to talk cars and share a cup of coffee at La Promenade Shops, 1860 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 in the West Hilltop area of Virginia Beach, which features ample parking and BEAN THERE COFFEE on location. Please be courteous to the businesses in the shopping center and leave the lot at 9:00 am promptly. https://www.facebook.com/groups/115284668486129/ 2nd Sat - (Oct 10) Newport News Cars & Coffee is a gathering of car enthusiasts the second Saturday each month from 8:00 - 10:00 am to talk cars and share a cup of coffee at AROMA’S, 706 Town Center Drive, Newport News, VA 23606. https://www.facebook.com/groups/385990664766049/ 3rd Sat - (Oct 17) Williamsburg Cars & Coffee, 8 - 10:00 am, The Coffeehouse, 5251 John Tyler Hwy, Williamsburg. C&C ~ Williamsburg is an informal gathering of people with a passion for automobiles. Come on out and share a cup of coffee with the enthusiast you met last month. or plan to make new friends to compare your mods with next month! http://www.carsandcoffeewilliamsburg.com/ 4th Sat - (Sep 26) Cars & Coffee Norfolk, 9 - 11:00 am, Uno Pizzeria & Grill, JANAF Shopping Center, Military Hwy & VA Beach Blvd., Norfolk. An informal hangout for mature car enthusiasts with a passion for automobiles, who enjoy an early Saturday morning drive. Every Sat - Cars, Coffee & Chocolate, sponsored by Simply Fresh Café, every Saturday morning 8 am -10 am Town Center, 180 Central Park Ave, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Parallel street parking or surface lot parking directly across the street from the host. Parking is in the shadows of The Cosmopolitan Apartments for pleasant summer mornings. All makes & models welcome. Contact Bobby Sharon bobcat16@cox.net (757) 404-1406 Every Sat - Saturday night Cruise-in, Landstown Commons Shopping Center, 3 to 8:00 pm, at the corner of Princess Anne Rd & Dam Neck Rd. Come join us Saturday nights for fun, friends, cars and music. Dash plaques to first 50 on field. This cruise-in brings in 130+ cars. Coupons given out for shopping center merchants. There is a $2.00 fee per vehicle. Spectators free. All proceeds go to charity. Contact John Herbert at blkpwdrfrm@cox.net or call 757-377-7144 or Rob McPherson at robertmc1958@gmail.com or call 757-553-2012. Every Sat - Suffolk Hardee’s Cruz-in, 4 to 9:00 pm, 2301 Pruden Blvd., Suffolk. A Cruz-in will be held at Hardee’s, every Saturday night weather permitting, all year long. Every Sat - “Let’s Talk Cars” Cruise-In, Middle Peninsula Classic Cruisers Car Club, 5:30-9:00 pm, The Main Street Shopping Center, 6882 Main Street, Gloucester. Middle Peninsula Classic Cruisers Car Club would like to you to join us on Saturday nights April to October 2015 for our “Let’s Talk Cars” Cruise-In. It starts around 5:30 pm and continues till about 30 minutes after dusk. Admission is $1.00 or more! Come out and join us! For further information: mpccofgloucester.com or middlepeninsulaclassiccruisers@cox.net Every Sat - Classic Cruiser’s Cruise-In, Heritage Square Shopping Center, 5:30 to 9:00 pm thru October 17, 4318 George Washington Hwy, Grafton. It is open to all years, all makes, and all models. If it’s cool, bring it. It is only a $2.00 donation to show your vehicle. There is no admission fee for spectators. All cruise-in donations are donated to charity. It is a great place to listen to some great tunes played by our DJs, look at some great rides, see your old friends, and make some new ones. For more information about our club, go to www.ccccofva.org or Classic Cruisers Car Club on Facebook, or you can contact Allen Hunt 757-868-6900, alofptown@verizon.net or Blair Armbrister 757-877-4911, my98fordf150@verizon.net. Every Tue - Suffolk IHOP Cruise-In, 6-8:00 pm, 1210 N Main St., Suffolk. Runs July - Last Tuesday in October, every Tuesday night at the IHOP on Main Street in Suffolk local car enthusiast get together to show off their rides and enjoy some fellowship. Stop by, bring your ride; classic, new, old, car, motorcycle, truck….. bring what you got! No Admission, just come have fun! For more info contact Eley Duke III at 757.539.8777 Every Thu - Dairy Queen Cruise-Ins, (ending on Halloween Night “Trunk-R-Treat”, Sat, Oct 31), 4024 Portsmouth Blvd.(Across the street from Cavalier Ford), Chesapeake. Western Branch Car Group. Contact: Ray Hinman, Cell: 757-672-9081 for more info! Every Fri - “CRUZ THRU” at Shorty’s Diner, 5 - 9:00 pm, 627 Merrimac Trail, Williamsburg. Come join Shorty’s Diner every Friday from 5 to 9 pm and check out some of the coolest Hot Rods, Street Cars, Trucks and Bikes in the area. Always GREAT food and GREAT people. WWW.ShortysDinerVA.com. 757-603-6674 Fri Sep 25 - Fast Friday Nights 2k15, hosted by Affiliated Alliance, UNO Pizzeria & Grille, 8 - 11:45 pm, 5007 Victory Blvd #120 Village Square Shopping Center, Tabb, VA. Alright all set for this weekend. Talked to the manager at UNO Pizzeria & Grille, we can now host here from 8:00 - 11:45 this Friday (in the back of the restaurant). After this test run goes well we will be able to host here every 2 weeks. Be sure to come out, but follow the rules as security and management will be watching. Other than that come out cruise and grab something to eat! Location is in Yorktown it’s not that far off from Newport news and Hampton, and it’s only about a 30 min drive from Suffolk. Sat Sep 26 - Rise & Shine September Meet, Hosted by Sumospeed, Floyd E. Kellam High School, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, 2665 West Neck Rd, Virginia Beach. Come out for the first edition of Sumospeed’s Rise and Shine Meets! These gatherings will feature some of the nicest cars in the area as well as some great local food truck offerings. Come out, enjoy some great food and drinks, and check out some gorgeous cars. This page will be updated with more info as it comes in: https://www.facebook.com/events/792668390832090/ Sat Sep 26 - “Underground Genesis Night”, Hosted by Affiliated Alliance & Too Much Muscle, Vape Xotix, 8:45-11:45 pm, 410 Briar Hill Rd., Norfolk. TMM and AA have teamed up to proudly produce another Saturday Night 'UNDERGROUND’ meet, now in Norfolk, come out and check some Vape gear at Xotix! There will be parking designated, and security and cops will be there once again for safety purposes and parking assistance. If childishness starts to come about you will no longer be able to park in the 'Parking Lot, we ask of you kind people to not do the following: NO BURNOUTS, NO PEELING OFF, NO STUPIDITY, NO EXCESSIVE REVVING. The rules are simple please don’t ruin it for everyone else and make sure all of your friends come out and have a good time! Fri Oct 2 - Smithfield Lions Cruz-In: 1st, & 3rd Fridays of every month, thru Oct 16th, Sentara/St. Luke’s Urgent Care Facility, 20209 Sentara Way, Carrollton. $2 donation at gate for show cars, spectators free. Food available from Bubba & Frank’s bar-b-cue, car enthusiast vendors, 50’s - 60’s music provided by Lion Tom Norris, “featured car clubs” at every show. Show sponsored by Starr Motors, Sentara Health Network and AVES. Reserved parking spaces are available for the entire show season for $25 each. Contact Lion Tim Marinelli: smithfield.lions@verizon.net, 757-371-6061 AUTO CROSS(AX, or SOLO)/HI-PERF DRIVERS EDUCATION(HPDE)/TIME TRIALS/CLUB RACING/ROAD RALLY Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) - Old Dominion Region The Old Dominion Region (Number 63) is part of the Southeast Division (SEDiv), which consists of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. Our Region includes all of the cities in the Hampton Roads area as well as several surrounding cities. We primarily host two types of events: Solo (Auto Cross) and Road Rally - www.odr-scca.org
Schedule (Date / Event / Location):
Sun Oct 4 / Solo / Pungo Airfield
Sun Nov 1 / Solo / Pungo Airfield
Tidewater Sports Car Club (TSCC) Founded in Norfolk Virginia in 1953 TSCC has a strong foundation within the local Hampton Roads autocross community and surrounding areas (140+ club members in 2009). Our autocross season runs from March through November with events taking place on the 2nd or 3rd Sunday of the month. We usually host a novice autocross school early in the season on the Saturday before our Sunday event. This is a great opportunity for new participants to get involved with autocross. Our club is not solely structured around autocross. TSCC is, as the name implies, a car club, supporting the enthusiast. Car shows, social gatherings, and community involvement are just a few of the extracurricular activities in which TSCC participates. We host a charity event at least once a year where all the proceeds from the event are donated to a designated charity. Since 2005, we have donated over $20,000.00 to various local and national charities.www.tidewatersportscarclub.com
Schedule (Date / Event / Location):
Sat Sep 26 / Fall Track Attack / Academi, NC
Sat Oct 17 / Military Appreciation Autocross / ACU-4 (Little Creek)
Sun Oct 18 / AX #8 / ACU-4
Oct 24 / NCCAR / GripFest
Nov 15 / AX #9 / Pungo Airfield
National Auto Sport Association (NASA) Mid-Atlantic NASA Mid-Atlantic increases track time for HPDE (High Performance Driver’s Ed) Drivers!! In response to overwhelming feedback from our participants NASA Mid Atlantic offers even more of its award winning HPDE program to all HPDE Drivers. Starting March 22-23 at VIR NASA will increase the number of on track sessions each HPDE group receives from 3 to 4. More time. More opportunity to have more fun on track!!! www.nasaracing.net
Schedule (Date / Event / Location):
Sat-Sun Oct 10-11 / OKTOBERFAST (OG Racing HyperDrivesT, HPDE 1-2-3-4, Time Trial, Sprint Roadracing) / VIRginia International Raceway Full Course
Sat/Sun Nov 7/8 - 7th Annual Fall Finale (HPDE 1-2-3-4, Time Trial, OG Racing HyperDriveT, Touring Laps for Cale) / Summit Point Motorsports Park
AUTO RACING / MOTORSPORTS Virginia International Raceway (VIR) Chosen as one of Car & Driver’s Top 6 tracks in the nation, Virginia International Raceway is a multi-purpose road racing facility, located on the Dan River between Danville and South Boston, Virginia. VIR hosts a wide range of professional and amateur auto and motorcycle racing and track events, and is well established as “America’s Motorsport Resort.”
Richmond International Raceway (RIR) Known as America’s Premier Short Track, RIR offers great night racing action and a commitment to the fan experience. One of the most popular facilities among drivers and fans in all of motorsports, Richmond International Raceway annually hosts two NASCAR Doubleheader weekends, featuring the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series and NASCAR Nationwide Series, under the lights on a ¾-mile D-Shaped oval. The unique layout traditionally produces exciting side-by-side racing, yet drivers reach high enough speeds for a superspeedway feel. Combined with first-class amenities and a focus on the fans, guests at Richmond International Raceway can expect to experience what “Racing Perfection” truly is.
Sat/Sun Sep 26/27 - Sat AX Pract/Sun AX, Virginia Motorsport Club. VMSC is an independent club that has been hosting safe and fun road rallies and autocross events for our members and guests since 1950. We hold several rallies in the Bus lot at the Richmond Raceway Complex throughout the year so come join us!
Sun Oct 11 - AX, VMSC.
Fri/Sat Oct 16/17 - Racing with Rusty. Rusty Wallace Racing Experience provides fans and enthusiasts with an authentic NASCAR racing experience. Whether you’re 14 or 94, and whether it’s your first time or fortieth time, we are proud to share in the unparalleled excitement of your racing experience! Come check us out and go “Racing With Rusty”! Visit our website or call 855-22-RUSTY for more information or to sign up! http://www.racewithrusty.com/
Fri-Sun Oct 16-18 - Velocity Driving. Get behind the wheel the world’s best supercars including, the Nissan GTR, Lamborghini Gallardo, Audi R8, Maserati GranTurismo S, BMW M6, Porsche 911 Turbo, Aston Martin DB9, and Chevrolet Corvette C7 Stingray for 2, 4, or 7 laps around a professionally-designed autocross racetrack with a focus on speed, and exploring what these amazing machines are all about. http://www.velocitydriving.com/schedule.html
Fri/Sat Oct 30/31 - Rusty Wallace Racing Experience.
Langley Speedway 3165 N Armistead Ave., Hampton America’s Oldest Consecutively Running Short Track! Three Time Recipient of the NASCAR Hometrack Achievement Award. http://www.langley-speedway.com/
Sat Sep 26 - Denbigh Construction Season Finale: Modifieds 75, Grand Stocks 40, Super Trucks 25, UCARS 25, Winged Karts 20, Enduros 30, 7:00 pm
Sat Oct 3 - Papa John’s | St. Leos Day of Destruction, 1:00 pm
Virginia Motorsports Park Dinwiddie, 8018 Boydton Plank Rd., Petersburg, VA 23803. Built in 1994, a state of the art multi-million dollar facility encompassing 500 acres featuring: Drag Strip, Mud Bog Pit, Truck and Tractor Pull Arena, Motocross facility, and a BMX Track. http://www.virginiamotorsports.com/drag/
Fri Sep 25 - O'Reilly Auto Parts Street Wars / Street Points (Finale)
Sat/Sun Sep 26/27 - EOPM Pro Mods and Southern Outlaw Top Sportsman on Saturday. Franklin Electric ET Bracket Points Races (ET Points Series) Finale Championship Sunday!
Fri Oct 2 - Ladies Night, plus Test-n-Tune
Sat Oct 3 - Outlaw Heads-Up Index / ¼ mile Pro / Test-n-Tune, plus CCRA Stock/Super Stock Combo Race
Sun Oct 4 - CCRA Stock/Super Stock Combo Race, plus ET Bracket Race
Fri Oct 9 - O'Reilly Auto Parts Street Wars I don’t drive too fast, I just fly too low!
- MOPAR Madness, Virginia Motorsports Park, 8018 Boydton Plank Rd., Dinwiddie, VA. The event features Drag Racing, Car Show, Vendors, Swap Meet and Car Corral. For further information, email swallace@vmpdrag.com or call 804.862.3174. Web Site: www.megamoparaction.com Flyer Link: www.VirginiaMotorsports.com
- Southeast Virginia Street Rod Association’s 23rd Annual Charity Show and Shine, The Charlie Daniels Performance Group, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, 20128 IWIP Road, Smithfield. [rain or shine] Event is open to pre-1979 Cars and Trucks. Registration day of show is $20.00. Food Vendors, Dash Plaques, Door Prizes, Raffles, Event T-shirt sales, Children’s games and Entertainment. Event Proceeds to local Charity benefiting the less-fortunate. For more information: Wes Thomas - 757-484-8150. Email: sevastreetrod@aol.com | Web Site: www.sevastreetrods.org
- Third Annual Warhill High School Car Show & Vendor Fair, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, WHS, 4615 Opportunity Way, Williamsburg. Rain date 9/25/15. Music hosted by Ron Herrick. Early bird registration $15 until 9/14/15 (mailed to school). Day of registration $20; checks payable to WHS PTSA. Trophies for Top 30 vehicles and thank you give-aways for first 50 vehicles. Hot food. Vendor Fair by 4Event Planning. Silent Auction. All funds raised for student-teacher programming. We are also hosting a nonperishable food drive to benefit the Salvation Army has requested our help so please bring out some non-perishable items if you can! Email: warhillcarshow2015@gmail.com | Web Site: www.wjccschools.org/web/whs/families/ptsa/
- Langley AFB Fast Lane & Slow Roll Auto & Motorcycle Show, 12 - 4:00 pm, the Jamestown Village Clubhouse, Langley Family Housing, 1000 Historic Trail, Hampton. Show off your vehicles to America’s Service Men & Women & their families. Classic & late model cars, trucks & motorcycles are welcome. During the show, enjoy great food, games, music & more with military members from Joint Base Langley-Eustis. 23 people’s choice trophies awarded including “Best In Show” in 3 major categories. Registration 9:30-11:30 am, Judging 12-4 pm, Awards at 4:30 pm. $10 Reg fee per vehicle (meal included with registration). Participants can pre-register at www.jbleforcesupport.com. For info, email james.murrell@us.af.mil, jerrydaves@gmail.com or amunroe@gmail.com
Sun Sep 20
- Portsmouth-Chesapeake Elks Lodge Antique Classic & Rod show, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Lodge 82, 2541 Gum Road, Chesapeake. Cars park 10 am to 12:30 pm, Event 1 to 4 pm. PRE Registration $15.00, Registration day of $20.00. Trophy’s, Raffles, Event T-shirt sales, Entertainment, Food. Event Proceeds to Veterans Activities. For more information: Beverly O'Quinn, 757.406.0205 | Email: bpoelks82@cox.net
- The Boots & Roots Custom Car Show, in conjunction with the Isle of Wight County Fair, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm, rain or shine Heritage Park, 21311 Courthouse Hwy (Rte. 258), Windsor. The Boots & Roots Custom Car Show, in memory of Cecil Proffit and in partnership with Daniels Performance Group, will be held in conjunction with the Isle of Wight County Fair on Sunday, September 20. Open to all cars, trucks, vans, and motorcycles. Entry from 9:00am-11:00am. Judging begins at 11:00am. Awards presented at 2:30pm. Many new awards this year including “Chairman’s Choice. Registration at the gate is $20.00. Pre-registration is $15.00 by August 28. Make checks payable to Isle of Wight County and mail to Dept. of Parks & Recreation, 13036 Nike Park Rd, Carrollton, VA 23314. Free entry for one guest is included in the registration fee. Guest must be in the vehicle when entering or additional fees may apply. For additional information call (757) 357-5959 or e-mail Lauren.Bailess@iwus.net.
- The 31st Annual Classics on the Green Wine Festival & European Car Show, New Kent Winery, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm, 8400 New Church Rd, New Kent. Classic Automotive Events of Virginia, Inc., in conjunction with the Central Virginia British Car Club, is Proud to host Classics on the Green. The featured marque this year is "Cars you never knew existed”. We will feature all 4 of the Colonial Virginia Wine Trail Wineries and their famous wines, including: New Kent Winery, James River Cellars, Saudé Creek Vineyards and Williamsburg Winery. The delicious food vendors will include: Buffalo Wild Wings, Slideways Mobile Bistro, The Dog Wagon, River City Wood Fire Pizza, Sweetie’s Gourmet Funnel Cakes, Kava Kava, Bon Bon Asian Fusion, & Virginia Gourmet. For more information, please visit: http://classicsonthegreen.com
Sat Sep 26
- Mid-Atlantic Ford Round-Up, Wynne Ford, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm, 1020 West Mercury Blvd., Hampton. All Ford & Ford Powered Car and Truck Show. All proceeds benefit StandUp For Kids Hampton Roads. Pre-register at www.MAFRU.weebly.com for $20 through Sept. 19. $25 entry fee day of show. 1st, 2nd & 3rd place awards in 22 classes. JLT Performance on site, DJ, food vendor, Human Truck Pull, door prizes, silent auction items. Contact Bobby Sharon, Bobcat16@cox.net | 757-404-1406
- 42nd Annual Tidewater Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America (TRAACA) Meet: “Wings & Wheels” Car Show, Military Aviation Museum, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, Virginia Beach. There will be two great car shows in one, featuring hundreds of beautiful cars, trucks, and motorcycles: “Preserving the Past” for antique and special interest vehicles 1990 and older in or restored to originally built condition (these will have AACA-type points judging) and “Mods & Rods” for modified and custom vehicles 1990 and older (these will be participant judged). All displayed vehicles must have a charged, operational UL-approved fire extinguisher. There will be a slightly different show field layout this year, with antique vehicles and mods & rods directly across from each other. Admission to the car show is free for spectators, but airport parking is $15 per vehicle (so pack in your kids and friends!) and includes free access to the Military Aviation Museum, the world’s largest collection of restored and flyable World War I and II military aircraft. Special parking is available for spectator car club gatherings in the museum’s parking area. Free trailer parking for car show participants. For registration forms and more information, go to the TRAACA website: www.aaca.org/tidewater. For more information or if you have questions, contact Meet Chairman Tony Scarpelli at scarpp02@aol.com or (757) 810-1600 or TRAACA President Jim Villers at 190sljim@cox.net or (757) 481-6398.
- Guinea Jubilee Festival Car Show, presented by The Middle Peninsula Classic Cruisers Car Club of Gloucester, Show times are from 9-3, with registration ending at 12:00, 8784 Guinea Rd., Hayes. The Guinea Jubilee is a two day event that annually attracts thousands of people to celebrate and honor the way of life in the Guinea Neck. The Jubilee features cultural activities, arts and crafts, exhibits, a parade, delicious seafood. Trophies are awarded for the top five in GM, Ford, Mopar, Imports, Motorcycles and trucks. Also awarded are trophies for the next 25 vehicles, as well as other special awards. Winners are selected by participant voting. Early registration is $15 and $20 the day of the show. For further information, contact MPCC on our email address or web page. We look forward to seeing you there!!! Web Site: mpccofgloucester.com | email: middlepeninsulaclassiccruisers@cox.net
- “Cars for a Cause”, Great Bridge Presbyterian Church, 8:00 am - 2:00 pm, 333 Cedar Road, Chesapeake. Laps for Lapse Alzheimer’s team car show fundraiser to benefit the 2015 Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Virginia Beach. Open to all years, makes, models and motorcycles. Pre-registration until September 11th $20.00 donation or $25.00 day of event. 1st and 2nd Judge’s and People’s Choice awards announced at 1 pm. Weather permitting - no rain date. Food, fun and face-painting for the kiddies. Free admission to the public. Contact Amy Fitchett at 757-548-4192 to register or email amyfitchett@hotmail.com for more information. All proceeds directly donated to the Alzheimer’s Association. So shine ‘em, show 'em and help us make a difference! See ya there
Sat Oct 3
- Franklin Fall Festival Car Show, presented by Mustang Club of Tidewater, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Main Street near railroad tracks, Downtown Franklin. Open to all makes of cars, trucks, motorcycles, any wheeled vehicle. Vendor spaces available. Proceeds benefit: Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters, Oasis Food Bank of Portsmouth. Judges classes, plus Best In Show, Club Participation, Best Display. Registration Fee: $20 plus 2 cans of food. Contact: Doug Sample, 757-880-1660. Web Site: www.mustangcluboftidewater.com | Email: hottrod6@aol.com, mct@mustangcluboftidewater.com
- Salute to Our Heroes Ford and Ford Powered Show, Newport News Fuddruckers, near Patrick Henry mall. This is the first annual show for the L.Cpl. Cody Childers memorial foundation (we care marines). We are raising money in order to send care packages to marines serving overseas in memory of L.Cpl. Cody Childers who lost his life serving his country in 2010 he was 19 years old. There will be a silent auction with many great prizes and a raffle give away. Also if you bring a flier for the show and have a meal at Fuddruckers they will donate 15% of your total to the organization. Please come out and support this great cause! If you have any further questions you can contact me at 757-816-7420 or my email darkstar375@yahoo.com | Web Site: www.facebook.com/events/1615182805425709/
- Continental Automotive 2nd Annual Charity Car & Motorcycle Show, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm, 615 Bland Blvd., Newport News. Free to the public. Free parking on-site. All proceeds benefit the Virginia Peninsula Food Bank. Trophies for winners of each category! Raffles for a set of Continental Tires and other Conti prizes! Advanced entry fee $15. ($20 day of show) Vendors must pre-register. Contact: Justin Shank (757-875-7339) Justin.Shank@continental-corporation.com Find us on Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/conti.car.show
- Portsmouth Tuner Fest with 757 Auto Events, nTelos Wireless Pavilion, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm, 16 Crawford Cir, Portsmouth. Open event in an amazing location. Spend the day with 757 Auto Events and Grindin’ Gear at the nTelos Wireless Pavilion for an unforgettable car show. 65 Awards will be given out, including the Top 30 and 30 special awards. Portion of the proceeds will benefit the American Heart Association “Heart Walk” through our Team “757iLLEST car club.” This event is open to all makes and models of transportation. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, and pedal bikes. We will have facility provided concessions, DJ’s, and beer will be sold for consumption in the Preferred Parking Show area (no personal alcohol will be allowed at his event.) Event T shirts will be included with our Preregistered entrants along with parking in the Preferred Show lot on the water (for first 100 paid entrants!) Preregistration info will be posted. There will be 100 Preferred parking spots in the Pavilion courtyard and 150+ general showing spots in the parking lot. Spectator parking is free in the Portsmouth City parking garage. (757) 393-8181, info@pavilionconcerts.com | https://www.facebook.com/events/116696795341426/
Sat Oct 10
- Second Annual 2015 ECW AutoFest, Lafayette High School, 9:30 am - 2:30 pm, 4460 Longhill Road, Williamsburg. This year we are presenting you with SECOND Annual 2015 ECW AutoFest! We hope to feature everyone’s favorite European Cars in town. Bring your car out and enjoy the day! Our fundraiser is to benefit the EEE Resource Center, INC. and Beyond Boobs. Specialized awards this year, more raffle prizes, vendors, and fun for the whole family! Contact Helen at 757-220-9660 for donations, or if you’d like to be a vendor… ALL VENDORS WELCOME. Check website for registration information. Web Site: www.ecwautofest.eventbee.com | Flyer Link: www.www.facebook.com/events/955965904426878/ | Email: helen@ecwsales.com
- 14th Annual Ztoberfest Car Show 2015, Richmond International Raceway, 600 E Laburnum Ave, Richmond. Join the Z Car association of Richmond in celebrating all that’s Nissan and Datsun. This year we will be having the car show on pit lane at Richmond International Raceway in conjunction with a huge charity event being put on by Chick-fil-a. Please keep an eye out for information about the event on our Facebook page and or www.richmondzcar.com
Sat Oct 17
- 6th Annual Air & Auto Classic, presented by First Settlers region Porsche Club of America, Military Aviation Museum, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm, 1341 Princess Anne Road, Virginia Beach. All makes and models are welcome! Non-judged car corral is $15.00 per vehicle. Show car registration is $25.00 per vehicle. Rock Star parking is $50.00 per vehicle (online registration only). Proceeds benefit the SPCA and the Foodbank of Virginia. The rain date is Halloween, 31 October, 2015. Spectator parking is $15.00 per vehicle and includes: Free access to the MAM, A unique opportunity to review a large display of fine foreign and domestic motorcars, including rallye, racing, rods and restorations.
- 2nd Annual Medi Home Health & Hospice Stars & Cars Benefit Car Show, Chesapeake City Park, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm, Section C and D, 900 Greenbrier Road, Chesapeake. This fundraising event will benefit 2 VSO’s: Honor Flight and the Horton Wreath Society and the Medi Charity Fund. For more information, please contact Anastasia Economou at 757-373-9778 or via email at aeconomou@msa-corp.com. | https://medibenefitcarshow.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/mhbcs-flyer-and-reg-form.pdf
- Southeastern Virginia Mustang Club’s 8th Annual Fordtoberfest, Beach Ford, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, 2717 Virginia Beach Blvd., Virginia Beach. All Ford & Ford Powered Show. This year’s show is dedicated to “Honor & Remember”. Pre-register at www.sevmc.org $20, $25 after Oct 12. Trophies, Awards, Silent Auction.
Sun Oct 25
- VW Club of Tidewater’s ALL VW Show & Shine plus Open House, The Bug House, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, 5024 Southern Blvd., Virginia Beach. Sponsored by Checkered Flag & The Bug House to benefit Toys For Tots. No pre-registration, $20 0r $15 and a NEW TOY for Toys For Tots. Dash Magnets & 50/50 Drawing. Drive it, Push it, Tow it - as long as it is a VW please bring it to the Show. All VW Enthusiasts welcome to help out a GREAT Charity! Not a VW owner ? Please do not let that stop you! Let’s work together and help children have a nice Christmas during these tough economic times. Please help out Toys For Tots by bringing any NEW Toy or CASH Donation! Don’t miss your opportunity to help raise money and vote for your favorite 5 Volkswagens! More Info: Ty Ryan 757-761-3568 / luv_things@verizon.net or Michelle Crawford 757-404-3846 / flatbug1@cox.net WEEKLY/MONTHLY MEETS/CRUISE-INS Sat - Cars & Coffee: Are you normally busy on Saturdays with a list of honey-do’s or family commitments? Well that’s perfectly fine because you can be back home before your spouse is even up. Enjoy your car hobby and still enjoy the rest of your day. Originally started in Irvine, CA at a strip mall on the PCH, the Cars & Coffee idea has steadily spread to various areas across the country. Here in Tidewater Virginia, we have the great Mid-Atlantic coastal region, we have plenty of sports cars in the area, and we have plenty of coffee shops so it seemed a logical fit. This is an informal hangout for mature car enthusiasts who enjoy an early morning drive and a cup of coffee. 1st Sat - (Oct 3) Virginia Beach Cars & Coffee is a gathering of car enthusiasts the first Saturday each month from 7:00 - 9:00 am to talk cars and share a cup of coffee at La Promenade Shops, 1860 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 in the West Hilltop area of Virginia Beach, which features ample parking and BEAN THERE COFFEE on location. Please be courteous to the businesses in the shopping center and leave the lot at 9:00 am promptly. https://www.facebook.com/groups/115284668486129/ 2nd Sat - (Oct 10) Newport News Cars & Coffee is a gathering of car enthusiasts the second Saturday each month from 8:00 - 10:00 am to talk cars and share a cup of coffee at AROMA’S, 706 Town Center Drive, Newport News, VA 23606. https://www.facebook.com/groups/385990664766049/ 3rd Sat - (Sep 19) Williamsburg Cars & Coffee, 8 - 10:00 am, The Coffeehouse, 5251 John Tyler Hwy, Williamsburg. C&C ~ Williamsburg is an informal gathering of people with a passion for automobiles. Come on out and share a cup of coffee with the enthusiast you met last month. or plan to make new friends to compare your mods with next month! http://www.carsandcoffeewilliamsburg.com/ Every Sat - Cars, Coffee & Chocolate, sponsored by Simply Fresh Café, every Saturday morning 8 am -10 am Town Center, 180 Central Park Ave, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Parallel street parking or surface lot parking directly across the street from the host. Parking is in the shadows of The Cosmopolitan Apartments for pleasant summer mornings. All makes & models welcome. Contact Bobby Sharon bobcat16@cox.net (757) 404-1406 Every Sat - Saturday night Cruise-in, Landstown Commons Shopping Center, 3 to 8:00 pm, at the corner of Princess Anne Rd & Dam Neck Rd. Come join us Saturday nights for fun, friends, cars and music. Dash plaques to first 50 on field. This cruise-in brings in 130+ cars. Coupons given out for shopping center merchants. There is a $2.00 fee per vehicle. Spectators free. All proceeds go to charity. Contact John Herbert at blkpwdrfrm@cox.net or call 757-377-7144 or Rob McPherson at robertmc1958@gmail.com or call 757-553-2012. Every Sat - Suffolk Hardee’s Cruz-in, 4 to 9:00 pm, 2301 Pruden Blvd., Suffolk. A Cruz-in will be held at Hardee’s, every Saturday night weather permitting, all year long. Every Sat - “Let’s Talk Cars” Cruise-In, Middle Peninsula Classic Cruisers Car Club, 5:30-9:00 pm, The Main Street Shopping Center, 6882 Main Street, Gloucester. Middle Peninsula Classic Cruisers Car Club would like to you to join us on Saturday nights April to October 2015 for our “Let’s Talk Cars” Cruise-In. It starts around 5:30 pm and continues till about 30 minutes after dusk. Admission is $1.00 or more! Come out and join us! For further information: mpccofgloucester.com or middlepeninsulaclassiccruisers@cox.net Every Sat - Classic Cruiser’s Cruise-In, Heritage Square Shopping Center, 5:30 to 9:00 pm thru October 17, 4318 George Washington Hwy, Grafton. It is open to all years, all makes, and all models. If it’s cool, bring it. It is only a $2.00 donation to show your vehicle. There is no admission fee for spectators. All cruise-in donations are donated to charity. It is a great place to listen to some great tunes played by our DJs, look at some great rides, see your old friends, and make some new ones. For more information about our club, go to www.ccccofva.org or Classic Cruisers Car Club on Facebook, or you can contact Allen Hunt 757-868-6900, alofptown@verizon.net or Blair Armbrister 757-877-4911, my98fordf150@verizon.net. Every Sat - Street Syndicate / Kingsman Imports meet, USA Living, 8:00 -11:59 pm, 3320 Holland Rd., Virginia Beach. This meet has permission to be there as long as everyone cleans up their mess. Calz Pizza will be open late to serve attendees. Kingsman Imports will be enforcing normal car meet etiquette rules. They want everyone to know that anyone who acts like an idiot will be asked to leave, and if they have to ask twice, plate numbers will be given to the Local PD and USA Living. Every Sat - “Underground”, Hosted by Affiliated Alliance, N2 Vapes, 8:45-11:45 pm, 4221 Pleasant Valley Rd., Virginia Beach. Affiliated Alliance and proudly produce to you another Saturday Night 'UNDERGROUND’ meets in VA beach, come out and check some Vape gear at N2 vapes or get something to eat for 5$ at the pizza shop right across from N2 they stay open until the meet is over! There will be parking designated, and security and cops will be there once again for safety purposes and parking assistance. If childishness starts to come about you will no longer be able to park in the 'Parking Lot, we ask of you kind people to not do the following: NO BURNOUTS, NO PEELING OFF, NO STUPIDITY, NO EXCESSIVE REVVING. The rules are simple please don’t ruin it for everyone else and make sure all of your friends come out and have a good time! Every Tue - Suffolk IHOP Cruise-In, 6-8:00 pm, 1210 N Main St., Suffolk. Runs July - Last Tuesday in October, every Tuesday night at the IHOP on Main Street in Suffolk local car enthusiast get together to show off their rides and enjoy some fellowship. Stop by, bring your ride; classic, new, old, car, motorcycle, truck….. bring what you got! No Admission, just come have fun! For more info contact Eley Duke III at 757.539.8777 Every Wed - Franklin Cruise-In, May 6th to Sep 16, 5:00 pm, at the Main Street parking lot in downtown Franklin. FREE family fun event. Enjoy 50/60’s music playing, raffles, 50/50 prizes, and entry to our famous $1000.00 Grand Finale Giveaway. Sponsored by Franklin VFW. For more information please call Mike Smith 757-438-2981 Every Thu - Dairy Queen Cruise-Ins, Every Thursday Night (ending on Halloween Night “Trunk-R-Treat”, Sat, Oct 31), 4024 Portsmouth Blvd.(Across the street from Cavalier Ford), Chesapeake. Western Branch Car Group. Contact: Ray Hinman, Cell: 757-672-9081 for more info! Every Fri - “CRUZ THRU” at Shorty’s Diner, 5 - 9:00 pm, 627 Merrimac Trail, Williamsburg. Come join Shorty’s Diner every Friday from 5 to 9 pm and check out some of the coolest Hot Rods, Street Cars, Trucks and Bikes in the area. Always GREAT food and GREAT people. WWW.ShortysDinerVA.com. 757-603-6674 Every Fri - Ratchet Alliance Friday Night Meet, N2 Vapes, 9:00 pm - 12:00 am, 4221 Pleasant Valley Rd., Virginia Beach. Wed Sep 16 - Fuddruckers Newport News Open Cruise-In, 6 - 8:00 pm, 12361 Hornsby Lane Newport News. All new cruise in to be held on The third Wednesday of the month from 6-8 pm with a trophy going to the Fuddruckers Staff pick of the night. This event is open to all makes and models and we are limited to about 60 cars at a time. Participants are encouraged to donate $1.00 to participate. At the end of the season the money that is raised through participants will be donated to WoundedWear.org. Any questions please feel free to contact the VPCCC Vice President. As a general guideline this event will be monitored and it is requested that there be no revving, loud music or other Shenanigans that may cause this event to be cancelled. Fri Sep 18 - Smithfield Lions Cruz-In: 1st, & 3rd Fridays of every month, thru Oct 16th, Sentara/St. Luke’s Urgent Care Facility, 20209 Sentara Way, Carrollton. $2 donation at gate for show cars, spectators free. Food available from Bubba & Frank’s bar-b-cue, car enthusiast vendors, 50’s - 60’s music provided by Lion Tom Norris, “featured car clubs” at every show. Show sponsored by Starr Motors, Sentara Health Network and AVES. Reserved parking spaces are available for the entire show season for $25 each. Contact Lion Tim Marinelli: smithfield.lions@verizon.net, 757-371-6061 Fri Sep 18 - Fast Friday Nights 2k15, hosted by Affiliated Alliance, 8:45-11:45 pm, Aviation Institute of Maintenance, 2211 S Military Hwy., Chesapeake. Permission has been given, so be sure to come out and enjoy yourselves. Note: Security will be there to assist with parking and coordination and police will patrol the area, please do not do anything stupid, you will be asked to leave and your license plates will be handed over. The rules are simple please don’t ruin it for everyone else. Sat Sep 19 - CANX: 1st Annual Sumospeed Charity Car Wash, Fairfield AJ Gators. Sun Sep 20 - Annual Fortune Auto Open House 2015, 12 - 5:00 pm, 1555 Standing Ridge Drive, Suite D-1, Powhatan. Car Meet, Food, Drinks, and More. http://www.fortune-auto.com/ Sat Sep 26 - Rise & Shine September Meet, Hosted by Sumospeed, Floyd E. Kellam High School, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, 2665 West Neck Rd, Virginia Beach. Come out for the first edition of Sumospeed’s Rise and Shine Meets! These gatherings will feature some of the nicest cars in the area as well as some great local food truck offerings. Come out, enjoy some great food and drinks, and check out some gorgeous cars. This page will be updated with more info as it comes in: https://www.facebook.com/events/792668390832090/ AUTO CROSS(AX, or SOLO)/HI-PERF DRIVERS EDUCATION(HPDE)/TIME TRIALS/CLUB RACING/ROAD RALLY Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) - Old Dominion Region The Old Dominion Region (Number 63) is part of the Southeast Division (SEDiv), which consists of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. Our Region includes all of the cities in the Hampton Roads area as well as several surrounding cities. We primarily host two types of events: Solo (Auto Cross) and Road Rally - www.odr-scca.org
Schedule (Date / Event / Location):
Sun Oct 4 / Solo / Pungo Airfield
Sun Nov 1 / Solo / Pungo Airfield
Tidewater Sports Car Club (TSCC) Founded in Norfolk Virginia in 1953 TSCC has a strong foundation within the local Hampton Roads autocross community and surrounding areas (140+ club members in 2009). Our autocross season runs from March through November with events taking place on the 2nd or 3rd Sunday of the month. We usually host a novice autocross school early in the season on the Saturday before our Sunday event. This is a great opportunity for new participants to get involved with autocross. Our club is not solely structured around autocross. TSCC is, as the name implies, a car club, supporting the enthusiast. Car shows, social gatherings, and community involvement are just a few of the extracurricular activities in which TSCC participates. We host a charity event at least once a year where all the proceeds from the event are donated to a designated charity. Since 2005, we have donated over $20,000.00 to various local and national charities.www.tidewatersportscarclub.com
Schedule (Date / Event / Location):
Sun Sep 20 /AX #7 / Pungo Airfield
Sat Sep 26 / Fall Track Attack / Academi, NC
Sat Oct 17 / Military Appreciation Autocross / ACU-4 (Little Creek)
Sun Oct 18 / AX #8 / ACU-4
Oct 24 / NCCAR / GripFest
Nov 15 / AX #9 / Pungo Airfield
National Auto Sport Association (NASA) Mid-Atlantic NASA Mid-Atlantic increases track time for HPDE (High Performance Driver’s Ed) Drivers!! In response to overwhelming feedback from our participants NASA Mid Atlantic offers even more of its award winning HPDE program to all HPDE Drivers. Starting March 22-23 at VIR NASA will increase the number of on track sessions each HPDE group receives from 3 to 4. More time. More opportunity to have more fun on track!!! www.nasaracing.net
Schedule (Date / Event / Location):
Sat-Sun Oct 10-11 / OKTOBERFAST (OG Racing HyperDrives™, HPDE 1-2-3-4, Time Trial, Sprint Roadracing) / VIRginia International Raceway Full Course
Porsche Club of America (PCA) - First Settlers Region (Zone 2) The Porsche Club of America First Settlers Region desires the comfort of good friends and good conversation, and we praise to a fault the world’s finest automobile. With those attributes, our club has grown to over 600 Active Members throughout Virginia. We race each other, show our prized possessions, conduct rallies, autocrosses and tours. The Club sponsors driver education, restoration and technical sessions. We know our Porsche, or Porsches if we’re lucky, inside and out. Our Newsletter, Horizontally Opposed, which tells our stories and provides an insider view to everything Porsche. www.fsrpca.org The mission and purpose of the Porsche Club of America’s Driver’s Education Program is to provide a safe, structured and controlled teaching and learning environment. The PCA DE Program is designed so that participants can improve their driving abilities and acquire a better understanding of vehicle dynamics and driving safety. Participants will experience first-hand the capabilities of high performance automobiles in a controlled, closed-course environment and acquire skills that will enhance safer vehicle operation in all driving situations.
Schedule (Date / Event / Location):
Sat-Mon Sep 19-21 / HPDE / VIR (South course Sat/Sun, Full course Mon)
Audi Club North America, Potomac Chesapeake Chapter (PCC) The PCC of the Audi Club North America (ACNA) is comprised of members from Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and Washington, DC. Our membership is diverse, but we all share a passion for the Four Rings! PCC is one of the largest and most active of all ACNA chapters! Our mission is to enhance the Audi ownership experience for our members by offering them a wide variety of benefits including: Driver education and safety instruction held at regional motorsports facilities including Virginia International Raceway (VIR) and Summit Point Raceway, Social networking with other Audi fans, Technical and product information about the Audi family of vehicles, Discounts on parts and/or labor through our network of sponsors. www.audiclubpcc.org
Schedule (Date / Event / Location):
Sat-Sun Sep 19-20 / HPDE / Old Dominion Raceway, Manassas AUTO RACING / MOTORSPORTS Virginia International Raceway (VIR) Chosen as one of Car & Driver’s Top 6 tracks in the nation, Virginia International Raceway is a multi-purpose road racing facility, located on the Dan River between Danville and South Boston, Virginia. VIR hosts a wide range of professional and amateur auto and motorcycle racing and track events, and is well established as “America’s Motorsport Resort.”
Sat/Sun Sep 19/20 - Champion Cup Series Fall CycleFest of Speed. VIRginia International Raceway’s Championship Cup Series End-of-Summer CycleFest brings some of motorcycle road racing’s best teams and riders onto the track. www.ccsracing.u?s
Richmond International Raceway (RIR) Known as America’s Premier Short Track, RIR offers great night racing action and a commitment to the fan experience. One of the most popular facilities among drivers and fans in all of motorsports, Richmond International Raceway annually hosts two NASCAR Doubleheader weekends, featuring the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series and NASCAR Nationwide Series, under the lights on a ¾-mile D-Shaped oval. The unique layout traditionally produces exciting side-by-side racing, yet drivers reach high enough speeds for a superspeedway feel. Combined with first-class amenities and a focus on the fans, guests at Richmond International Raceway can expect to experience what “Racing Perfection” truly is.
Sat/Sun Sep 26/27 - Sat AX Pract/Sun AX, Virginia Motorsport Club. VMSC is an independent club that has been hosting safe and fun road rallies and autocross events for our members and guests since 1950. We hold several rallies in the Bus lot at the Richmond Raceway Complex throughout the year so come join us!
Sun Oct 11 - AX, VMSC.
Fri/Sat Oct 16/17 - Racing with Rusty. Rusty Wallace Racing Experience provides fans and enthusiasts with an authentic NASCAR racing experience. Whether you’re 14 or 94, and whether it’s your first time or fortieth time, we are proud to share in the unparalleled excitement of your racing experience! Come check us out and go “Racing With Rusty”! Visit our website or call 855-22-RUSTY for more information or to sign up! http://www.racewithrusty.com/
Fri-Sun Oct 16-18 - Velocity Driving. Get behind the wheel the world’s best supercars including, the Nissan GTR, Lamborghini Gallardo, Audi R8, Maserati GranTurismo S, BMW M6, Porsche 911 Turbo, Aston Martin DB9, and Chevrolet Corvette C7 Stingray for 2, 4, or 7 laps around a professionally-designed autocross racetrack with a focus on speed, and exploring what these amazing machines are all about. http://www.velocitydriving.com/schedule.html
Fri/Sat Oct 30/31 - Rusty Wallace Racing Experience.
Langley Speedway 3165 N Armistead Ave., Hampton America’s Oldest Consecutively Running Short Track! Three Time Recipient of the NASCAR Hometrack Achievement Award. http://www.langley-speedway.com/
Sat Sep 19 - Subway Night: Late Models - 125, Modifieds - 50, Super Streets - 40, Legends - 25, Bandos - 15, Pro Six - 30, 7 pm
Sat Sep 26 - Denbigh Construction Season Finale: Modifieds 75, Grand Stocks 40, Super Trucks 25, UCARS 25, Winged Karts 20, Enduros 30, 7:00 pm
Sat Oct 3 - Papa John’s | St. Leos Day of Destruction, 1:00 pm
Virginia Motorsports Park Dinwiddie, 8018 Boydton Plank Rd., Petersburg, VA 23803. Built in 1994, a state of the art multi-million dollar facility encompassing 500 acres featuring: Drag Strip, Mud Bog Pit, Truck and Tractor Pull Arena, Motocross facility, and a BMX Track. http://www.virginiamotorsports.com/drag/
Fri Sep 18 - MSHS (Day) / Haley Ford “Back to School” Ladies’ Night / Street Points (Night)
Sun Sep 20 - Virginia Apple Chill (Gates Open 10 am, Racing @ 12 Noon)
Fri Sep 25 - O'Reilly Auto Parts Street Wars / Street Points (Finale)
Sat/Sun Sep 26/27 - EOPM Pro Mods and Southern Outlaw Top Sportsman on Saturday. Franklin Electric ET Bracket Points Races (ET Points Series) Finale Championship Sunday! I don’t drive too fast, I just fly too low!