Thursday, May 29, 2014

Upcoming Car Events, Tidewater VA


Thursday Nights - Western Branch Car Group 2014 Dairy Queen Cruise-In, every Thursday evening starting in April and ending on Halloween Night with our Trunk-R-Treat Cruise In & Show. Various events with mini-car-shows, DJ events, and other outings and group events during the season. Cruise In’s start @ 5 p.m. to “whenever”! No costs except for your own diner and ice cream. Some events such as the mini-car-shows or special cruise-in’s may have registration costs to participate. This Cruise In has just finished up our 3rd year and normally has an attendance of 30-50 show cars each week. Come Early, Eat Some Ice Cream, and Stay Late if You Wish. For more info contact: Ray Hinman (757) 672-9081 

Friday Nights - Middle Peninsula Classic Cruisers Friday Night Cruise-Ins- every week!  Come on out to our Friday Night Cruise-in and register for the Saturday Blast for the Past show for $15 pre-registration fee! If you can’t make it Friday night, we hope to see you on Saturday!

Friday Nights - Smithfield Lions Friday Night Cruz-Ins, 1st, 3rd & 5th Friday, April thru October 6-9pm.  St. Luke’s Rt 10/32 & 258 Brewer’s Neck Rd. (757) 371-6061.  $2 donation to show car (benefiting Lions Charities), Food, Music, Featured Vehicles & Cornhole. Season passes available: $25

Friday Nights - Daniels Performance Friday Night Cruise-In, 2nd and 4th Friday, April thru October 6-9pm at Charlie Daniels Racing, 20128 IWIP Road Rt 10, 3 Miles outside Smithfield, (757) 356-1156

Saturdays - Cars & Coffee:  Are you normally busy on Saturdays with a list of honey-do’s or family commitments? Well that’s perfectly fine because you can be back home before your spouse is even up. Enjoy your car hobby and still enjoy the rest of your day.
Originally started in Irvine, CA at a strip mall on the PCH, the Cars & Coffee idea has steadily spread to various areas across the country. Here in Tidewater Virginia, we have the great Mid-Atlantic coastal region, we have plenty of sports cars in the area, and we have plenty of coffee shops so it seemed a logical fit. This is an informal hangout for mature car enthusiasts who enjoy an early morning drive and a cup of coffee.

1st Saturday - (June 7) Virginia Beach Cars & Coffee is a gathering of car enthusiasts the first Saturday each month from 7:30 - 9:00 am to talk cars and share a cup of coffee at La Promenade Shops, 1860 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454  in the West Hilltop area of Virginia Beach, which features ample parking and BEAN THERE COFFEE on location.  Please be curious to the businesses in the shopping center and leave the lot at 9:00 am promptly.   or

2nd Saturday - (June 14) Newport News Cars & Coffee is a gathering of car enthusiasts the second Saturday each month from 8:00 - 10:00 am to talk cars and share a cup of coffee at AROMA’S, 706 Town Center Drive, Newport News, VA 23606.

Saturdays - Cars, Coffee & Chocolate, sponsored by Simply Fresh Café, every Saturday morning 8 am -10 am Town Center, 180 Central Park Ave, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Parallel street parking or surface lot parking directly across the street from the host. Parking is in the shadows of The Cosmopolitan Apartments for pleasant summer mornings. All makes & models welcome. Contact Bobby Sharon (757) 404-1406 

Saturday Nights - Landstown Commons Saturday Night Cruise-Ins, Every Saturday night from 4:00 til 9:00 PM.  Landstown Commons Shopping Center, 3300 Princess Anne Rd., Virginia Beach, Va. These will be held in the same area as last year (Behind Finn McCools).  We’ll be having discount food coupons from the restaurants in the shopping center for all participants.  Come out and enjoy the camaraderie of getting together with other car enthusiasts!! Sponsored by member clubs of CCCHR

Saturday Nights - The Classic Cruiser’s cruise-in takes place every Saturday night from 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM, beginning April 19 thru October 18. Our location is Heritage Square Shopping Center, 4318 George Washington Hwy, Grafton, VA. It is open to all years, all makes, and all models. If it’s cool, bring it. It is only a $2.00 donation to show your vehicle. There is no admission fee for spectators. All cruise-in donations are donated to charity. It is a great place to listen to some great tunes played by our DJ (Tom Norris), look at some great rides, see your old friends, and make some new ones. For more information about our club, go to or Classic Cruisers Car Club on Facebook, or you can contact Allen Hunt 757-868-6900, or Blair Armbrister 757-877-4911,

Saturday Nights - Middle Peninsula Classic Cruisers “Let’s Talk Cars”Every Saturday Night from April to October 2014. All years! All models! Bring your car and have some fun! Main Street Shopping Center, Gloucester Main Library, Gloucester, Virginia 23061. For information about our club or contact information,,, Middle Peninsula Classic Cruisers on Facebook.

Saturday Nights - The Southern Knights Cruisers Weekly Cruise-In, Hardee’s on Old Stage Rd. in Chester, VA, 5:00 till 9:00 or until everyone leaves (weather permitting). Featuring DJ’s “Wolf Man John” & “Rock It Man” with good music, 50/50, and more… - Info: Wolf Man John at Email Wolf Man John or Ricky Williams 804-526-8865 or by Email Ricky Williams or

Sundays - Car Cruise-In, Quaker Steak & Lube, 12832 Jefferson Ave, Newport News, VA  23608. Every Sunday noon to 5 pm. Live music, contests, vendor booths, weekly themes with guest car clubs. Contact Jennifer Martin at(757)874-5823 for more information.

Monday Nights - Bobby’s BBQ & Country Buffet Cruise-In.  2900 Airline Blvd, junction of Airline Blvd and City Park Ave. Portsmouth, VA  23701. Times from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM POC: Bill Foley, (757) 535-6283

Tuesday Nights - Lebanon Christian Church Cruise-In at the church - call to confirm the date. There will be free food there as well. It begins at 5 PM. Bring your cars to show. It will be cancelled until the following Tuesday if it is raining or threatening to rain. The church is located at 421 Yorktown, Newport News. just off I 64 exit 247 on VA 238. There is no cost or admission fee for this event 

Wednesday Nights - Rita’s Italian Ice Cruise-In. 5256 Providence Rd, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23464. Each Wednesday evening from 6 pm - 8 pm. All car enthusiasts welcome. Donations accepted for charity. Contact Bobby Sharon 757.404.1406


Saturday, May 31 - 2nd Annual Wal-Mart Car Show, presented as part of our CHKD fund raiser, 9 am - 3 pm, 6259 College Drive Suffolk, VA. Come out for this worthwhile event supporting CHKD! Pre-Registration is $15 and $20 day of show. 50/50 Raffle, Door Prizes and more.  Open to all years cars and trucks. Participant Judging in 4 Classes: Pre-1949, 1949-1963, 1964-1983, 1984-present. Trophies based on class size with at least 5 trophies to any class with 20+ vehicles. Also: Best of Show, Wal-Mart Choice, CHKD Choice, Spectator Choice. 
Contacts: Amy Lee, (757) 477-4191 or Bill Treadwell, (757) 650-3667

Saturday, June 7 - Monitor Lodge Annual Child ID Car Show.  Monitor Lodge is back with its annual car show to raise money for their Child ID program. This year we will be having it Saturday, June 7th 2014 from 9am to 1pm. There will be some vendor booths for the ladies to shop while you talk shop. Food, music, and community involvement. The photographer will be back this year and we are hoping to see his pinup models as well. Last year we had over 20 trophies and expect more this year. It is open to all years and models. Please note that this will take place in a grass field., for more info Email:



Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) - Old Dominion Region.  The Old Dominion Region (Number 63) is part of the Southeast Division (SEDiv), which consists of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.    Our Region includes all of the cities in the Hampton Roads area as well as several surrounding cities.  We primarily host two types of events: Solo (Auto Cross) and Road Rally.
Schedule (Date/Event/Location):
June 01/Solo/Pungo Airfield
July 06/Solo/Pungo Airfield

Tidewater Sports Car Club (TSCC) - Founded in Norfolk Virginia in 1953, Tidewater Sports Car Club  (TSCC) has a strong foundation within the local Hampton Roads autocross community and surrounding areas (140+ club members in 2009). 
Our autocross season runs from March through November with events taking place on the 2nd or 3rd Sunday of the month.  We usually host a novice  autocross school early in the season on the Saturday before our Sunday event.  This is a great opportunity for new participants to get involved with autocross.
Our club is not solely structured around autocross. TSCC is, as the name implies, a car club, supporting the enthusiast. Car shows, social gatherings, and community involvement are just a few of the extracurricular activities in which TSCC participates.  
We host  a charity event at least once a year where all the proceeds from the event are donated to a designated charity. Since 2005, we have donated over $20,000.00 to various local and national
Schedule (Date/Event/Location) 
June 14 / Cone Clinic* /ACU-4
June 15 / AX / ACU-4 
July 20 / AX / ACU-4


National Auto Sport Association (NASA).  NASA Mid-Atlantic increases track time for HPDE (High Performance Driver’s Ed) Drivers!!  In response to overwhelming feedback from our participants NASA Mid Atlantic offers even more of its award winning HPDE program to all HPDE Drivers.  Starting March 22-23 at VIR NASA will increase the number of on track sessions each HPDE group receives from 3 to 4.  More time.  More opportunity to have more fun on track!!!!
Schedule (Date/Event/Location)
6-8 June / HPDE / Summit Point Motorsports Park - Hyperfest 14. Test & Tune, HPDE 1-4, Time Trial, Sprint Races, OG Racing HyperDrives, Twilight Kart Enduro
18-20 July / HPDE / VIR

Porsche Club of America (PCA) - First Settlers Region (Zone 2).  The Porsche Club of America First Settlers Region desires the comfort of good friends and good conversation, and we praise to a fault the world’s finest automobile. With those attributes, our club has grown to over 600 Active Members throughout Virginia.  We race each other, show our prized possessions, conduct rallies, autocrosses and tours. The Club sponsors driver education, restoration and technical sessions. We know our Porsche, or Porsches if we’re lucky, inside and out. Our Newsletter, Horizontally Opposed, which tells our stories and provides an insider view to everything Porsche.
Schedule (Date/Event/Location)
20-22 June / Zone 2 Club Race / VIR


Virginia International Raceway (VIR) - Recently chosen as one of Car & Driver’s Top 6 tracks in the nation, Virginia International Raceway is a multi-purpose road racing facility, located on the Dan River between Danville and South Boston, Virginia.  VIR hosts a wide range of professional and amateur auto and motorcycle racing and track events, and is well established as “America’s Motorsport Resort.”
31 May-1 June - TrackDaze HDPE. Our High Performance Driving Experience (HPDE) Program gives drivers a chance to test their skills and learn from talented instructors in a venue designed for safe spirited driving far away from the risks present on the street. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a seasoned track veteran, we have a program designed specifically for your skill level.
6-8 June - North American Road Racing Association (NARRA) Aston Martin GT4 Challenge Series.  NARRA is America’s new home for high-end, high-performance cars. F or more information, visit and
14-15 June - CCS 15th Annual Virginia Festival of Speed Motorcycle Roadracing.  The annual battle for the CCS Mid-Atlantic Championship rolls in for their 11th Paul Farrell Memorial. The pressure will be on as caution is thrown to the wind and riders get set to battle it out. Additional races and activities are in the works, making this a unique event to experience as a rider and a fan! Visit to get the lowdown on all the riders, teams and the points standings.
18 July - Grassroots Motorsports Ultimate Track Car Challenge.  There can only be ultimate track car and one ultimate driver. Grab a front seat as drivers take the track with hopes of proving their car is the fastest there is!

Richmond International Raceway (RIR) - Richmond International Raceway, known as America’s Premier Short Track, offers great night racing action and a commitment to the fan experience. One of the most popular facilities among drivers and fans in all of motorsports, Richmond International Raceway annually hosts two NASCAR Doubleheader weekends, featuring the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series and NASCAR Nationwide Series, under the lights on a ¾-mile D-Shaped oval. The unique layout traditionally produces exciting side-by-side racing, yet drivers reach high enough speeds for a superspeedway feel. Combined with first-class amenities and a focus on the fans, guests at Richmond International Raceway can expect to experience what “Racing Perfection” truly is.
5 September / Virginia 529 College Savings 250 - The NASCAR Nationwide Series returns to Richmond on Friday night. Tickets go on sale May 23. 
6 September / Federated Auto Parts 400 - The NASCAR Sprint Cup Series returns to Richmond Saturday night. Tickets go on sale May 23.

Virginia Motorsports Park, Dinwiddie, VA.  Built in 1994, a state of the art multi-million dollar facility encompassing 500 acres featuring: Drag Strip, Mud Bog Pit, Truck and Tractor Pull Arena, Motocross facility, and a BMX Track.
30 May - Street Wars/Street Points: Street Wars is run on Friday nights and offers everyone an opportunity to test their skills on the drag strip.  Run your parents station wagon, your brand new car, a restored hot rod, or grudge race your buddy for local bragging rights! Gates Open at 5 pm, Racing From 6-11 pm.

Langley Speedway, Hampton, VA. America’s Oldest Consecutively Running Short Track!
Three Time Recipient of the NASCAR Hometrack Achievement Award.
31 May - Smithfield ‘Powered By Bacon’ Night at the Races: (7 Races - LMSC, Bando, Pro Six, UCAR, Modified, Super Truck, Legends) 11:00 Pit Gates Open; 2:00 General Admission Gates Open; 2:00 Practice Begins; 4:15 Driver’s Meeting Followed By Rookies Mandatory Meeting; 4:30 Qualifying; 6:55: Invocation by Rev. Potter; National Anthem


Hampton Roads Car Club Council:

Virginia Peninsula Car Club Council:

Mid-Atlantic Alfa Romeo Car Club:

Antique Automobile Club - Historic Virginia Peninsula Region:

Audi Club of North America, Potomac-Chesapeake Club:

Tidewater BMW Car Club of America:

Cadillac-LaSalle Club:

Hampton Roads Camaro Club (HRCC):

Classic Cruisers Car Club:

Tidewater Corvair Club:

Beachcomber Corvette Club, Virginia Beach:

Custom Classic Corvette Club, Chesapeake:

Tidewater Corvette Club:

First Flight Cruisers:

Colonial Virginia Model ‘A’ Ford Club:

757 Goat Car Club:

Hampton Roads Exotics Car Club:

Khedive Shriner’s Roadrunners Car Club:

Middle Peninsula Classic Cruisers:

Tidewater MG Classics Car Club:

Hampton Roads MOPAR Enthusiasts:

Middle Peninsula MOPAR Association:

Tidewater MOPAR Club (TMC):

Chrome Pony Mustang Club:

Mustang Club of Tidewater:

Mustang Club of America (MCA) - Southeastern Virginia Mustang Club:

Peninsula Mustang Enthusiasts:

Styling Stangs of Hampton:

Street Dreams Corvette Club (SDCC):

Old Dominion Car Club:

Porsche Club of America (PCA) - First Settlers Region: 

Portsmouth Street Rod Association:

Southern Knights Cruisers:

Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) - Old Dominion Region:

Southeastern Virginia Street Rod Association:

Studebaker Drivers Club:

Suffolk Rods and Muscle Cars:

Tidewater Sports Car Club (TSCC):

Tidewater Street Rod Association:

Tidewater Triumph Register:

Tidewater Z Car Club:

Virginia Chevy Lovers Car Club:

Virginia Fiero Association (VAFA):

Peninsula Volkswagen Club:

Williamsburg British Car Club:

Friday, May 23, 2014

Weekend Car Events, Tidewater VA


Friday Nights - Middle Peninsula Classic Cruisers Friday Night Cruise-Ins - every week!  Come on out to our Friday Night Cruise-in and register for the Saturday Blast for the Past show for $15 pre-registration fee! If you can't make it Friday night, we hope to see you on Saturday!

Friday Nights - Smithfield Lions Friday Night Cruz-Ins, 1st, 3rd & 5th Friday, April thru October 6-9pm.  St. Lukes Rt 10/32 & 258 Brewer's Neck Rd. (757) 371-6061.  $2 donation to show car (benefiting Lions Charities), Food, Music, Featured Vehicles & Cornhole. Season passes available: $25

Friday Nights - Daniels Performance Friday Night Cruise-In, 2nd and 4th Friday, April thru October 6-9pm at Charlie Daniels Racing, 20128 IWIP Road Rt 10, 3 Miles outside Smithfield, (757) 356-1156

Saturdays - Cars, Coffee & Chocolate, sponsored by Simply Fresh Café, every Saturday morning 8 am -10 am Town Center, 180 Central Park Ave, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Parallel street parking or surface lot parking directly across the street from the host. Parking is in the shadows of The Cosmopolitan Apartments for pleasant summer mornings. All makes & models welcome. Contact Bobby Sharon (757) 404-1406

Saturday Nights - Landstown Commons Saturday Night Cruise-Ins, Every Saturday night from 4:00 til 9:00 PM.  Landstown Commons Shopping Center, 3300 Princess Anne Rd., Virginia Beach, Va. These will be held in the same area as last year (Behind Finn McCools).  We'll be having discount food coupons from the restaurants in the shopping center for all participants.  Come out and enjoy the camaraderie of getting together with other car enthusiasts!! Sponsored by member clubs of CCCHR

Saturday Nights - The Classic Cruiser's cruise-in takes place every Saturday night from 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM, beginning April 19 thru October 18. Our location is Heritage Square Shopping Center, 4318 George Washington Hwy, Grafton, VA. It is open to all years, all makes, and all models. If it's cool, bring it. It is only a $2.00 donation to show your vehicle. There is no admission fee for spectators. All cruise-in donations are donated to charity. It is a great place to listen to some great tunes played by our DJ (Tom Norris), look at some great rides, see your old friends, and make some new ones. For more information about our club, go to or Classic Cruisers Car Club on Facebook, or you can contact Allen Hunt 757-868-6900, or Blair Armbrister 757-877-4911,

Saturday Nights - Middle Peninsula Classic Cruisers "Let's Talk Cars" Every Saturday Night from April to October 2014. All years! All models! Bring your car and have some fun! Main Street Shopping Center, Gloucester Main Library, Gloucester, Virginia 23061. For information about our club or contact information,,, Middle Peninsula Classic Cruisers on Facebook.

Sundays - Car Cruise-In, Quaker Steak & Lube, 12832 Jefferson Ave, Newport News, VA  23608. Every Sunday noon to 5 pm. Live music, contests, vendor booths, weekly themes with guest car clubs. Contact Jennifer Martin at(757)874-5823 for more information.


24 May - Cars for Kids 2014, presented by Apex Car Club. All Day Dyno, Food, Music, Prizes, all proceeds go to CHKD. 11 am - 4 pm, 2448 Chesapeake Square Ring Rd, Chesapeake, VA.  For more info go to -

26 May - Summer Bash 8 Memorial Day Car, Truck & Bike Show, hosted by the Classic Cruisers Car Club (CCCC) and Hampton Roads Mopar Enthusiasts (HRME)...will be held on Memorial Day, Monday, May 26th, RAIN OR SHINE, at Shorty's Diner, Shorty's Diner in Williamsburg (627 Merrimac Trail, Williamsburg, VA 23185). The event is free to the public and is open to all makes, models, and years of vehicles. Registration is $10 for all vehicles, and is open from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., with participant judging beginning at 1:00 p.m., and the awards presentation beginning around 3:00 p.m. There will be goody bags and dash plaques for the first 100 registered participants, music, a 50/50 raffle, and Top 50 awards! Each of the past two years, we have averaged over 180 vehicles! Please plan on coming out and helping us make this year EVEN BIGGER! ALL money raised will go directly to support the Gathering of Mountain Eagles!


Virginia International Raceway (VIR) - Recently chosen as one of Car & Driver's Top 6 tracks in the nation, Virginia International Raceway is a multi-purpose road racing facility, located on the Dan River between Danville and South Boston, Virginia.  VIR hosts a wide range of professional and amateur auto and motorcycle racing and track events, and is well established as "America's Motorsport Resort."
23-26 May - SVT Cobra Mustang Club, 15th Anniversary weekend:
27-28 May - Stock Car Open Test Days/ See the biggest names in stock car racing as they test in preparation for NASCAR's road race circuits.

Virginia Motorsports Park, Dinwiddie, VA.  Built in 1994, a state of the art multi-million dollar facility encompassing 500 acres featuring: Drag Strip, Mud Bog Pit, Truck and Tractor Pull Arena, Motocross facility, and a BMX Track.
23 May - Street Wars/Street Points: Street Wars is run on Friday nights and offers everyone an opportunity to test their skills on the dragstrip.  Run your parents station wagon, your brand new car, a restored hot rod, or grudge race your buddy for local bragging rights! Gates Open at 5 pm, Racing From 6-11 pm.
24 May - Brown Racing presents Bert Jackson 2nd Annual Memorial Day Extravaganza! Big Time Grudge Racing All Day Long.  Gates open at 10 am, Class Racing and Test/Tune starts at 12 pm, Shootout starts at 5 pm, closes at 11 pm.
25 May - BUG OUT 2014: 300+ Show Cars, Drag Racing, Slalom Event, Huge Swap Meet, New Part Vendors!

Langley Speedway, Hampton, VA. America's Oldest Consecutively Running Short Track!
Three Time Recipient of the NASCAR Hometrack Achievement Award.
24 May - Weekly Racing: (6 Races - Modified, Grand Stock, Super Street, Pro 6, WC Kart) 11:00 Pit Gates Open; 2:00 General Admission Gates Open; 2:00 Practice Begins; 4:15 Driver's Meeting Followed By Rookies Manatory Meeting; 4:30 Qualifying; 6:55: Invocation by Rev. Potter; National Anthem

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Upcoming Tidewater Virginia Car Events

Well I made some progress toward getting my ride back on the road, but all these events are making it hard to focus! (no, this pic is not my ride)


Monday Nights - Bobby's BBQ & Country Buffet Cruise-In.  2900 Airline Blvd, junction of Airline Blvd and City Park Ave. Portsmouth, VA  23701. Times from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM POC: Bill Foley, (757) 535-6283

Tuesday Nights - Lebanon Christian Church Cruise-In at the church - call to confirm the date. There will be free food there as well. It begins at 5 PM. Bring your cars to show. It will be cancelled until the following Tuesday if it is raining or threatening to rain. The church is located at 421 Yorktown, Newport News. just off I 64 exit 247 on VA 238. There is no cost or admission fee for this event

Wednesday Nights - Rita's Italian Ice Cruise-In. 5256 Providence Rd, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23464. Each Wednesday evening from 6 pm - 8 pm. All car enthusiasts welcome. Donations accepted for charity. Contact Bobby Sharon 757.404.1406

Thursday Nights - Western Branch Car Group 2014 Dairy Queen Cruise-In, every Thursday evening starting in April and ending on Halloween Night with our Trunk-R-Treat Cruise In & Show. Various events with mini-car-shows, DJ events, and other outings and group events during the season. Cruise In's start @ 5 p.m. to "whenever"! No costs except for your own diner and ice cream. Some events such as the mini-car-shows or special cruise-in's may have registration costs to participate. This Cruise In has just finished up our 3rd year and normally has an attendance of 30-50 show cars each week. Come Early, Eat Some Ice Cream, and Stay Late if You Wish. For more info contact: Ray Hinman (757) 672-9081

Friday Nights - Middle Peninsula Classic Cruisers Friday Night Cruise-Ins - every week!  Come on out to our Friday Night Cruise-in and register for the Saturday Blast for the Past show for $15 pre-registration fee! If you can't make it Friday night, we hope to see you on Saturday!

Friday Nights - Smithfield Lions Friday Night Cruz-Ins, 1st, 3rd & 5th Friday, April thru October 6-9pm.  St. Luke's Rt 10/32 & 258 Brewer's Neck Rd. (757) 371-6061.  $2 donation to show car (benefiting Lions Charities), Food, Music, Featured Vehicles & Cornhole. Season passes available: $25

Friday Nights - Daniels Performance Friday Night Cruise-In, 2nd and 4th Friday, April thru October 6-9pm at Charlie Daniels Racing, 20128 IWIP Road Rt 10, 3 Miles outside Smithfield, (757) 356-1156 or

Saturdays - Cars & Coffee:  Are you normally busy on Saturdays with a list of honey-do's or family commitments? Well that's perfectly fine because you can be back home before your spouse is even up. Enjoy your car hobby and still enjoy the rest of your day.
Originally started in Irvine, CA at a strip mall on the PCH, the Cars & Coffee idea has steadily spread to various areas across the country. Here in Tidewater Virginia, we have the great Mid-Atlantic coastal region, we have plenty of sports cars in the area, and we have plenty of coffee shops so it seemed a logical fit. This is an informal hangout for mature car enthusiasts who enjoy an early morning drive and a cup of coffee.

1st Saturday - (June 7) Virginia Beach Cars & Coffee is a gathering of car enthusiasts the first Saturday each month from 7:30 - 9:00 am to talk cars and share a cup of coffee at La Promenade Shops, 1860 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454  in the West Hilltop area of Virginia Beach, which features ample parking and BEAN THERE COFFEE on location.  Please be curious to the businesses in the shopping center and leave the lot at 9:00 am promptly.   or

2nd Saturday - (June 14) Newport News Cars & Coffee is a gathering of car enthusiasts the second Saturday each month from 8:00 - 10:00 am to talk cars and share a cup of coffee at AROMA'S, 706 Town Center Drive, Newport News, VA 23606.

Saturdays - Cars, Coffee & Chocolate, sponsored by Simply Fresh Café, every Saturday morning 8 am -10 am Town Center, 180 Central Park Ave, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Parallel street parking or surface lot parking directly across the street from the host. Parking is in the shadows of The Cosmopolitan Apartments for pleasant summer mornings. All makes & models welcome. Contact Bobby Sharon (757) 404-1406

Saturday Nights - Landstown Commons Saturday Night Cruise-Ins, Every Saturday night from 4:00 til 9:00 PM.  Landstown Commons Shopping Center, 3300 Princess Anne Rd., Virginia Beach, Va. These will be held in the same area as last year (Behind Finn McCools).  We'll be having discount food coupons from the restaurants in the shopping center for all participants.  Come out and enjoy the camaraderie of getting together with other car enthusiasts!! Sponsored by member clubs of CCCHR

Saturday Night - Cruisin for a Cure! Relay for Life Cruise Night at George Farish Collision Center (The old Don Comer building). The Cruis-In will be Saturday, June 8, 2013 5pm-8pm. Antique, Classic, Street Rods, Rat Rods, Muscle, Tuners, Motorcycles & Trucks. All are welcome; come hang out, enjoy great cars for a good cause. $5 donation for vehicles to enter. George Farish Collision Center 2525 Airline Blvd Portsmouth, Va 23701 For more information please call Jessica @ 757-685-8243

Saturday Nights - The Classic Cruiser's cruise-in takes place every Saturday night from 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM, beginning April 19 thru October 18. Our location is Heritage Square Shopping Center, 4318 George Washington Hwy, Grafton, VA. It is open to all years, all makes, and all models. If it's cool, bring it. It is only a $2.00 donation to show your vehicle. There is no admission fee for spectators. All cruise-in donations are donated to charity. It is a great place to listen to some great tunes played by our DJ (Tom Norris), look at some great rides, see your old friends, and make some new ones. For more information about our club, go to or Classic Cruisers Car Club on Facebook, or you can contact Allen Hunt 757-868-6900, or Blair Armbrister 757-877-4911,

Saturday Nights - Middle Peninsula Classic Cruisers "Let's Talk Cars" Every Saturday Night from April to October 2014. All years! All models! Bring your car and have some fun! Main Street Shopping Center, Gloucester Main Library, Gloucester, Virginia 23061. For information about our club or contact information,,, Middle Peninsula Classic Cruisers on Facebook.

Sundays - Car Cruise-In, Quaker Steak & Lube, 12832 Jefferson Ave, Newport News, VA  23608. Every Sunday noon to 5 pm. Live music, contests, vendor booths, weekly themes with guest car clubs. Contact Jennifer Martin at(757)874-5823 for more information.


26 May - Summer Bash 8 Memorial Day Car, Truck & Bike Show, hosted by the Classic Cruisers Car Club (CCCC) and Hampton Roads Mopar Enthusiasts (HRME), held on Memorial Day, Monday, May 26th, RAIN OR SHINE, at Shorty's Diner, Shorty's Diner in Williamsburg (627 Merrimac Trail, Williamsburg, VA 23185). The event is free to the public and is open to all makes, models, and years of vehicles. Registration is $10 for all vehicles, and is open from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., with participant judging beginning at 1:00 p.m., and the awards presentation beginning around 3:00 p.m. There will be goody bags and dash plaques for the first 100 registered participants, music, a 50/50 raffle, and Top 50 awards! Each of the past two years, we have averaged over 180 vehicles! Please plan on coming out and helping us make this year EVEN BIGGER! ALL money raised will go directly to support the Gathering of Mountain Eagles!


Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) - Old Dominion Region.  The Old Dominion Region (Number 63) is part of the Southeast Division (SEDiv), which consists of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.    Our Region includes all of the cities in the Hampton Roads area as well as several surrounding cities.  We primarily host two types of events: Solo (Auto Cross) and Road Rally.
Schedule (Date/Event/Location):
June 01/Solo/Pungo Airfield
July 06/Solo/Pungo Airfield

Tidewater Sports Car Club (TSCC) - Founded in Norfolk Virginia in 1953, Tidewater Sports Car Club  (TSCC) has a strong foundation within the local Hampton Roads autocross community and surrounding areas (140+ club members in 2009).
Our autocross season runs from March through November with events taking place on the 2nd or 3rd Sunday of the month.  We usually host a novice  autocross school early in the season on the Saturday before our Sunday event.  This is a great opportunity for new participants to get involved with autocross.
Our club is not solely structured around autocross. TSCC is, as the name implies, a car club, supporting the enthusiast. Car shows, social gatherings, and community involvement are just a few of the extracurricular activities in which TSCC participates.
We host  a charity event at least once a year where all the proceeds from the event are donated to a designated charity. Since 2005, we have donated over $20,000.00 to various local and national
Schedule (Date/Event/Location)
June 14 / Cone Clinic* /ACU-4
June 15 / AX / ACU-4
July 20 / AX / ACU-4


National Auto Sport Association (NASA).  NASA Mid-Atlantic increases track time for HPDE (High Performance Driver's Ed) Drivers!!  In response to overwhelming feedback from our participants NASA Mid Atlantic offers even more of its award winning HPDE program to all HPDE Drivers.  Starting March 22-23 at VIR NASA will increase the number of on track sessions each HPDE group receives from 3 to 4.  More time.  More opportunity to have more fun on track!!!!
Schedule (Date/Event/Location)
6-8 June / HPDE / Summit Point Motorsports Park - Hyperfest 14. Test & Tune, HPDE 1-4, Time Trial, Sprint Races, OG Racing HyperDrives, Twilight Kart Enduro
18-20 July / HPDE / VIR


Virginia International Raceway (VIR) - Recently chosen as one of Car & Driver's Top 6 tracks in the nation, Virginia International Raceway is a multi-purpose road racing facility, located on the Dan River between Danville and South Boston, Virginia.  VIR hosts a wide range of professional and amateur auto and motorcycle racing and track events, and is well established as "America's Motorsport Resort."
23-26 May - SVT Cobra Mustang Club, 15th Anniversary weekend:
27-28 May - Stock Car Open Test Days/ See the biggest names in stock car racing as they test in preparation for NASCAR's road race circuits.
6-8 June - North American Road Racing Association (NARRA) Aston Martin GT4 Challenge Series.  NARRA is America's new home for high-end, high-performance cars. F or more information, visit and
14-15 June - CCS 15th Annual Virginia Festival of Speed Motorcycle Roadracing.  The annual battle for the CCS Mid-Atlantic Championship rolls in for their 11th Paul Farrell Memorial. The pressure will be on as caution is thrown to the wind and riders get set to battle it out. Additional races and activities are in the works, making this a unique event to experience as a rider and a fan! Visit to get the lowdown on all the riders, teams and the points standings.
18 July - Grassroots Motorsports Ultimate Track Car Challenge.  There can only be ultimate track car and one ultimate driver. Grab a front seat as drivers take the track with hopes of proving their car is the fastest there is!

Richmond International Raceway (RIR) - Richmond International Raceway, known as America's Premier Short Track, offers great night racing action and a commitment to the fan experience. One of the most popular facilities among drivers and fans in all of motorsports, Richmond International Raceway annually hosts two NASCAR Doubleheader weekends, featuring the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series and NASCAR Nationwide Series, under the lights on a ¾-mile D-Shaped oval. The unique layout traditionally produces exciting side-by-side racing, yet drivers reach high enough speeds for a superspeedway feel. Combined with first-class amenities and a focus on the fans, guests at Richmond International Raceway can expect to experience what "Racing Perfection" truly is.
5 September / Virginia 529 College Savings 250 - The NASCAR Nationwide Series returns to Richmond on Friday night. Tickets go on sale May 23.
6 September / Federated Auto Parts 400 - The NASCAR Sprint Cup Series returns to Richmond Saturday night. Tickets go on sale May 23.

Virginia Motorsports Park, Dinwiddie, VA.  Built in 1994, a state of the art multi-million dollar facility encompassing 500 acres featuring: Drag Strip, Mud Bog Pit, Truck and Tractor Pull Arena, Motocross facility, and a BMX Track.
23 May - Street Wars/Street Points: Street Wars is run on Friday nights and offers everyone an opportunity to test their skills on the dragstrip.  Run your parents station wagon, your brand new car, a restored hot rod, or grudge race your buddy for local bragging rights! Gates Open at 5 pm, Racing From 6-11 pm.
24 May - Brown Racing presents Bert Jackson 2nd Annual Memorial Day Extravaganza! Big Time Grudge Racing All Day Long.  Gates open at 10 am, Class Racing and Test/Tune starts at 12 pm, Shootout starts at 5 pm, closes at 11 pm.
25 May - BUG OUT 2014: 300+ Show Cars, Drag Racing, Slalom Event, Huge Swap Meet, New Part Vendors!

Langley Speedway, Hampton, VA. America's Oldest Consecutively Running Short Track!
Three Time Recipient of the NASCAR Hometrack Achievement Award.
21 May - Wacky Wednesdays: 6:00 pm Gates Open, 7:00 pm Drivers Meeting, 7:15 pm Competition Begins.
24 May - Weekly Racing: (6 Races - Modified, Grand Stock, Super Street, Pro 6, WC Kart) 11:00 Pit Gates Open; 2:00 General Admission Gates Open; 2:00 Practice Begins; 4:15 Driver's Meeting Followed By Rookies Mandatory Meeting; 4:30 Qualifying; 6:55: Invocation by Rev. Potter; National Anthem


Hampton Roads Car Club Council:

Virginia Peninsula Car Club Council:

Mid-Atlantic Alfa Romeo Car Club:

Antique Automobile Club - Historic Virginia Peninsula Region:

Audi Club of North America, Potomac-Chesapeake Club:

Tidewater BMW Car Club of America:

Cadillac-LaSalle Club:

Hampton Roads Camaro Club (HRCC):

Classic Cruisers Car Club:

Tidewater Corvair Club:

Beachcomber Corvette Club, Virginia Beach:

Custom Classic Corvette Club, Chesapeake:

Tidewater Corvette Club:

First Flight Cruisers:

Colonial Virginia Model 'A' Ford Club:

757 Goat Car Club:

Hampton Roads Exotics Car Club:

Khedive Shriner's Roadrunners Car Club:

Middle Peninsula Classic Cruisers:

Tidewater MG Classics Car Club:

Hampton Roads MOPAR Enthusiasts:

Middle Peninsula MOPAR Association:

Tidewater MOPAR Club (TMC):

Chrome Pony Mustang Club:

Mustang Club of Tidewater:

Mustang Club of America (MCA) - Southeastern Virginia Mustang Club:

Peninsula Mustang Enthusiasts:

Styling Stangs of Hampton:

Street Dreams Corvette Club (SDCC):

Old Dominion Car Club:

Porsche Club of America (PCA) - First Settlers Region:

Portsmouth Street Rod Association:

Southern Knights Cruisers:

Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) - Old Dominion Region:

Southeastern Virginia Street Rod Association:

Studebaker Drivers Club:

Suffolk Rods and Muscle Cars:

Tidewater Sports Car Club (TSCC):

Tidewater Street Rod Association:

Tidewater Triumph Register:

Tidewater Z Car Club:

Virginia Chevy Lovers Car Club:

Virginia Fiero Association (VAFA):

Peninsula Volkswagen Club:

Williamsburg British Car Club: